Bishop Donald R. Murray
Pastor, Good Samaritan Cathedral COGIC
Jurisdictional Prelate, California North-Central Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
- Bishop Murray is the Jurisdictional Prelate of the California North-Central (CNC)
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. He has been honored to serve the
CNC Jurisdiction for twenty-six (26) years.
- Bishop Murray is a graduate Electrical Engineer from the University of California in Berkeley,
with a post-graduate certificate in Executive and Corporate management from the Haas School
of Business.
- After becoming ordained Bishop Murray founded the City of Refuge Tabernacle Church of
God in Christ in Oakland, California in 1975 and served as Pastor of that local congregation for
eighteen years.
- In 1993, he was selected to serve as Pastor of the Good Samaritan Cathedral Church of God in
Christ in Oakland, California, where he has been honored to serve for thirty (32) years.
- He has served in the capacity of Pastor for a total of fifty (50) years.
- In 1999, Bishop Murray was appointed by the Presiding Bishop and the General Board of the
Church of God in Christ to serve as the Jurisdictional Prelate of the CNC Ecclesiastical
His primary aim in ministry is to see sinners delivered from the ravages of sin and the Saints
strengthened, matured in the word of God, and made whole.
- Bishop Murray’s current assignment at the national level for our church allows him to serve as
Chairman of the Board of Bishops, Church of God in Christ Inc., worldwide.
- Bishop Murray’s anointed preaching and teaching have resulted in multitudes being delivered
from spiritual, emotional, and physical infirmities.
- This is the year (2025) in which Bishop Donald R. Murray celebrates sixty-two (62) years in

What WE Believe
Statement of Faith